- Title IX
Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to become aware of the consequences of sexual violence, how to prevent it, and how to support victims.
All across the world men gather, don women's shoes, and walk a mile. This is a unique and fun-spirited way to educate the community about the serious issue of sexualized violence.
The Clothesline Project is an opportunity for women to express their emotions towards violence against women by decorating a shirt. The shirts then hang on a clothesline to be viewed by others as a testimony to the problem of violence against women.
Take Back the Night is held to raise awareness and end violence of all forms. That includes sexual assault, sexual abuse, dating violence, and domestic violence. Take Back the night is a march around campus that empowers survivors in the healing process and inspires responsibility in all to stop violence.
Take Two: Sexual Assault Awareness and Bystander Intervention is an original play written by SAU's Theater Professor Dan Hale and is performed in the fall by SAU Theater students. The play discusses the important issue of sexual violence and is followed immediately with a debriefing session.
BIG (Bystander Intervention Group) focuses on educating men about the importance of challenging the social norms in their community that support sexual violence. The Bystander Intervention approach focuses on young men not as perpetrators or potential perpetrators, but as empowered bystanders who can confront abusive peers and support abused ones.
The Rape Aggression Defense System is a program of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques for women.
RAD training is currently offered as a for-credit Kinesiology Department class. Check the online course schedule, or contact the Kinesiology Department regarding class times and availability. For more information about St. Ambrose's RAD program, contact Robert Christopher at 563-333-6104.